Friday, February 4, 2011


We are almost finished with the book Hatchet. Students are wanting to read Brian's Winter and The River, which are both sequels. Students are really starting to understand strategies of long division. I offer extra help each morning if kids are struggling with these concepts. Mrs. Parks observed us engaged in a writing lesson involving Similies, Metaphors and Personification. The students did fantastic!

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Winter Wonders

We have had a lot of cold and snow this winter. I am so glad we are in our warm classroom with all our new learning going on. We have begun to work on strategies of long division. It's important for kids to explore several different algorithms before selecting one that makes the most sense, is the most efficient and accurate for them. We are in a whole class literature group involving the book Hatchet, by Gary Paulsen. It is about a 13 year old boy who has to survive alone in the Wilderness. We are all really enjoying reading about how he is forced to change as a character. We are going to have a small, simple Valentine's Day party on Feb. 14th. in the afternoon. Your child can make or buy cards to give out to all the students in the class. I will send a class list soon to help them make all their cards. Stay warm!